
Something that I struggle with is not finding my peace. Peace comes from God. Sometimes we have to come out and ask God to give us peace in our lives or over a situation. But how do we find peace?

In Daniel 6, Daniel was thrown into the lions den. Miraculously he wasn’t touched. God made the lions leave Daniel alone. Daniel 6:23 says, “The king was overjoyed and ordered that Daniel be lifted from the den. Not a scratch was found on him, for he had trusted in his God (NLT).” Daniel trusted that God would come through for him and the lions wouldn't consume him. We will have difficulties but as long as we hold our faith in God he will get us through it. He will give us the strength to over come our obstacles in life. If we can remind ourselves that Gods got it and that he will never let us down we will have peace over a situation, like Daniel in the lions den.

Sometimes people challenge us. They can be rude or look for a fight. We have to be the bigger person. Just because someone is being hateful doesn’t mean you have to take it. The enemy wants strife and discontent. God doesn’t call us to even scores and prove that we are right. He called us to be peacemakers. Recognize to yourself that you are right and move on. You can prove you are right and stand on that but what do your relationships look like? It is ok not to be proven right all the time. Be a peacemaker,s walk away from the strife. Matthew 5:9 says, “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God (NLT).” God doesn’t want us to prove ourselves in being right and to fight with others. He just wants us to live in peace and through him.

Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world (NLT).” Frustration is an emotion that I feel a lot. When my pick-up won’t start, when I get a job application denied when someone is being rude. Frustration comes from discouragement. We face a lot of discouragement in our lives. When God says, “Be still and know that I am God,” he wants to remind us that nothing is too great for him. We need to set aside our frustrations and focus on what God has done. When we need to be in control of the situation we arent letting God take control. Turn it over to God and ask him what you should do instead of trying to fix it on your own. Ask God for peace!


Overcoming Anxiety